We are no longer accepting submissions
We are no longer accepting submissions to The Drum Literary Magazine.
Thank you to all the writers who sent us their work over the ten years during which The Drum was in operation. We have closed our doors and have moved on to other projects.

Frequently Asked Questions
Want to help The Drum record great prose? Help us with our Stories on the Street feature. Choose an excerpt from a public-domain work, switch on the voice-recording app on your phone, and ask people to read the piece into the mic. Presto! Classic literature brought to life by everyday people. Try matching the excerpt to the location. Bartleby the Scrivener in your office full of cubicles. The food scene in Tom Jones in a restaurant. The ball from Pride and Prejudice at a summer barbecue. Use your imagination--and share it with The Drum!
Stories on the Street Guidelines
To participate in the Stories on the Street feature, here's what you need to do.
- Verify that the work you've chosen to record is indeed in the public domain. One way to check this is to look the book up in the Library of Congress catalog here. Also, the folks over at Libri Vox have a very thorough explanation of public domain here.
- Print out our release form from the pdf below. Sign it and take it to the street with you so that your readers can sign it too, giving you permission to use their voice for The Drum.
- Head out to your chosen spot with your favorite public-domain text and your microphone (the Voice Memo app on an iPhone works fine for this, as an example)!
- Send the audio file to editor [at] drumlitmag [dot] com, along with the release form so that we know we have your permission (and your readers' permission) to use the file.